Roman Gold Mining Interpretation Center
The Romans arrived in the peninsular northwest between the 1st century BC. C. and I d. C. looking for gold and other raw materials. His arrival completely changes the organization of the territory of the today the UNESCO World Geopark "Montañas do Courel" by adapting it to the achievement of his interests.
Between the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. C. more than a hundred gold mining operations were active which, thanks to the geology of this territory and the paleozoic primary gold deposits associated with quartz, provided great resources to Rome.
In the CIMAR you will be able to obtain a vision of the Roman world and its relationship with gold: the exploitation methods, the machines and tools, the productive organization and the management of the obtained content. We must think that the mining exploitations remained active for decades and that they employed thousands of workers, who had to be directed, provided with food, lodging... which entailed great technical and organizational difficulties.
How to get?

On the outskirts of San Clodio (Ribas de Sil), the CIMAR occupies the newly constructed building that presides over the entrance to the Xeocamping. A few meters from the River Lor, from which the Romans extracted gold, and on the road that leads from San Clodio to Quiroga, it cannot be missed.
Place San Pedro, 108. 27310-San Clodio (Lugo)
Telephone: 982 428 237
Fax: 982 428 551